Reservations: A political Gimmick!!
Caste system in India has been prevelent in India since Ancient times. The rules and the laws governing used to vary based on the caste. The lower caste people have been the ones who were always opressed & subjected to various attrocities by the upper class people.
It was in the year 1950 that the Indian Constitution came into existance.Along with it came the 6 Fundamental rights.Rights that were equal for one and all, irrespective of the caste , creed ,color, sex, religion or region. Of these, the "Right to Equality" being the most prominent one.
Special priveledges also came into existence for the upliftment of the weeker sections of the society. Laws were made to stop the age old attrocities. Educating the masses was considered as the means of uplifting the social status of the weaker sections of the society. This is when "Reservations" saw the daylight. Reservation in educational institutes, government offices became a norm.
The cultural diversities, caste systems which differentiates us from the west is infact a menace. Its owing to these that India was ruled by East India company; a trading company that exploited the divide and rule policy to perfection. Senario, then and now, is n't much different; only that now instead of foreigners, politicians are exploiting the masses. Elections in west are fought with development & progress as the main agenda.Here ,the parameters comprise off regionism, religion, caste & creed ;just to name a few. Reservations being the latest tool being employed by the government to woo the people of weaker sections of the society.
What makes the proposal to increase reservations questionable is the sectors that they are targeting; elite institutes like IIT's or IIMs. Isn't it more effective to have these kind of reservations in the primary education system rather then having them in specialised education?
Primary education is must so that the person is able to make a choice between right and wrong;so that he/she is aware of their basic rights that prevents them from falling prey to the attrocities from any section of society.
It's good on the part of the government that it's trying to uplift the weaker sections of the society. But is it worth doing so at the expence of diluting the quality. IIM/IIT's are consider the abode for the talent pool of the country. If a person has the capability, he/she would make it to IIM's or IIT's even without reservation. Reservations in primary education are with a purpose of providing an oppertunity to the weaker sections. Isn't it a kind of encroachment on the seat deserved by the truly deserving candidate. Furthermore, Does half of Indian population comprise of the weaker section?The answer would be No!! So why 49% reservation!!
Caste system in India has been prevelent in India since Ancient times. The rules and the laws governing used to vary based on the caste. The lower caste people have been the ones who were always opressed & subjected to various attrocities by the upper class people.
It was in the year 1950 that the Indian Constitution came into existance.Along with it came the 6 Fundamental rights.Rights that were equal for one and all, irrespective of the caste , creed ,color, sex, religion or region. Of these, the "Right to Equality" being the most prominent one.
Special priveledges also came into existence for the upliftment of the weeker sections of the society. Laws were made to stop the age old attrocities. Educating the masses was considered as the means of uplifting the social status of the weaker sections of the society. This is when "Reservations" saw the daylight. Reservation in educational institutes, government offices became a norm.
The cultural diversities, caste systems which differentiates us from the west is infact a menace. Its owing to these that India was ruled by East India company; a trading company that exploited the divide and rule policy to perfection. Senario, then and now, is n't much different; only that now instead of foreigners, politicians are exploiting the masses. Elections in west are fought with development & progress as the main agenda.Here ,the parameters comprise off regionism, religion, caste & creed ;just to name a few. Reservations being the latest tool being employed by the government to woo the people of weaker sections of the society.
What makes the proposal to increase reservations questionable is the sectors that they are targeting; elite institutes like IIT's or IIMs. Isn't it more effective to have these kind of reservations in the primary education system rather then having them in specialised education?
Primary education is must so that the person is able to make a choice between right and wrong;so that he/she is aware of their basic rights that prevents them from falling prey to the attrocities from any section of society.
It's good on the part of the government that it's trying to uplift the weaker sections of the society. But is it worth doing so at the expence of diluting the quality. IIM/IIT's are consider the abode for the talent pool of the country. If a person has the capability, he/she would make it to IIM's or IIT's even without reservation. Reservations in primary education are with a purpose of providing an oppertunity to the weaker sections. Isn't it a kind of encroachment on the seat deserved by the truly deserving candidate. Furthermore, Does half of Indian population comprise of the weaker section?The answer would be No!! So why 49% reservation!!