"The woods are lovely, dark and deep

.....But I've promises to keep......And miles to go before I Sleep!!!!"

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Location: Den Haag, Netherlands

A traveler in pursuit of experiences………the pic on my profile represents me aptly. There is so much in life to acomplish that one shouldn't be contended by achieving a few aspirations. There is so much potential in each one of us that we compete with ourselves (In this pic, Tintin racing against his shadow)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A thought worth sharing

I must have lost the count of the number of times I have watched this movie, but every time I watch it I cannot resist getting tears in my eyes. The movie that moves me to the core is none other than SWADESH.

I still remember the days at L&T when my friends Pankaj, Anoop, Chanchal, Nikhil and Mandar had been to France on an onsite requirement. They were posted in a place called Belley, in South of France. They missed home and India so much that they had watched Swadesh over and over again to overcome the homesickness. By the time they came back they had the entire script memorized. I used to feel a little odd to hear that they repeatedly watched the movie. Now that I’m away from India, I do realize what they used to feel. It used to give them a sense of bonding to their native land.

At SPJCM, the preparations for the placements of our batch would start off soon. Most of the guys and gals aspire to get placed in Dubai; primarily to do with the kind of salaries offered by companies in the burgeoning Dubai Market. To add to it the country is tax free and has additional perks; in short a complete paradise to earn a whole lot of moolah!! There is another set of people, which includes me, who are looking at opportunities in and around Singapore. Those who plan to come back to India are mostly because of one or the other form of constrain.

When I look at the entire scenario in context to the movie, I feel that there is a “MOHAN” in each of us. Each of us is passionate about our country; feel pride when the country does well in any sport or on economic front; feel the sadness to see the nation being still labeled a developing nation and not a developed one. We all don’t leave a stone unturned to pin point when things are not happening right in the country; be it in the form of the governments that we have or the illiteracy and poverty that is widely prevalent in the country. But how many of us have actually thought of putting the nation’s interest ahead of self!

Once the person starts earning a lot of bucks and get used to the pleasant and systematic lifestyle in these countries it becomes almost next to impossible to comeback. I know of a few friends who have left the shores for a better life. Of all the people I knew, there was just one person who had stood out. He was Hemant Dubey; my friend & ex-roommate. I have never heard someone getting as passionate about the country as he does. He wanted to clean the system by joining politics and doing well for the nation. However, even he wasn’t spared by the trend. Currently he is posted in US. I hope he returns and fulfils his dream to get the system right; to the extent possible.

As I write this blog, I would be candid enough to confess that I am myself not sure if I would come back to India and work in case I get an opportunity to work abroad. I also very well remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi of preaching what I practice. However, my entire motive of writing this is to make people reading this blog, who have left or thinking to leave their native land in search of a better life, to try and make their country prosperous and a better place to live.